Nami ryu Aiki Heiho Dojo (schools) and sponsored Study Groups are located throughout the United States. Please visit the following dojo links to learn more (all links open in a new tab).
Flagstaff, AZ – Sanrin Mountain Dojo (Google map directions)
Study Groups sponsored by Sanrin Mountain Dojo:
- Phoenix Study Group – Phoenix, AZ led by Steven Armel
- Albany NY Study Group – Albany Samurai Arts led by Andrew Kitterman. (Google map directions)
- Streets of Laredo Study Group– Laredo, TX (Fill out Sanrin Mountain Dojo’s Contact form)
- Colorado Springs Study Group – led by Tyler Hackworth, where he also teaches Scottish Broadsword, located at Iron Forged Martial Arts.

Fresno, CA – Dojo of the West Wind (Google Map directions)
- Alaska Study Group (sponsored by Dojo of the West Wind) – Tonbo Dojo Big Lake, Alaska led by Steve Geddes

Nami ryu Aiki Heiho is based on Japanese sword arts (kenjutsu, iaijutsu and tantojutsu), the principles of which directly apply to the unarmed samurai martial arts (Jujutsu and Aiki-jujutsu).
Seattle, WA – Sato Bu Kan (Google Map directions)
Traverse, MI Tonbo Dojo – Traverse, Michigan led by Matt Carlson (check out this great video on Tameshigiri!) (Google Map directions)

Reno, NV – Samurai Arts of Reno
Solana Beach, CA – Four Winds Samurai Arts
The original home of Nami ryu Aiki Heiho is San Diego County.

Ft. Washington, PA – River of Life Martial Arts & Wellness Center (Google Map directions)
- Englewood Florida Study Group (sponsored by River of Life, located at Titan Jujitsu)- Englewood and Sarasota, FL led by Stuart Carpey
- Online Video Subscription with James Williams, Kaicho where you can supplement your dojo training by watching expert-level demonstrations and instruction.

Dickson, TN – In Dou Martial Arts Academy & Dojo of the Southern Winds
Koln (Cologne), Germany – Koln Nami ryu Study Group (Google Map directions)